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Roofing Problems To Look For When Buying a House

If you are looking to buy a used home, the process can seem extremely overwhelming at time right? There are so many things you need to be paying attention to, and one of them is the roof of the house you are considering. The reason you need to do this is because you don’t want to get into a home and it turn out that your roof is basically falling off. This will not only be time consuming to have fixed, it can be very expensive, depending on the extent of the damage. Here are a few things you need to pay attention to.

Looking At Your Roof

Mold or Other Spots – When we say spots, we are referring to water damage. If you can visually see from the ground, shingles pulling up or darker spots that maybe are sunken in, that is a huge sign that you need to stay away from this house, or ask the owner about having it fixed and inspected before hand. You also need to look out for mold, because it you can see it on the roof, it is likely that it is in other places as well.

Inspections – One thing you should do right away, is ask if they have had the roof inspected recently or in the last year. If the beat around the question or have never had it inspected, it may be a sign that you shouldn’t choose this house to call your home. You may be setting yourself up for a lot of problems later on.

If you need a roof inspection or have any other roofing concerns, you should call Superior Roofing, LLC at 434-284-3981 and let one of our experts assist you.

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